How to ReName a File or Folder in Mac OS X. Mar 18, 2010 - 39 Comments. This “answer” is exactly why I hate Macs. I never had to look up how to rename files on a Windows computer. Right click, choose rename file, and move on. Since switching a Mac a few years ago, when I need to rename a file I find it’s completely non.
Computer Name For Macbook
Don’t call it a computer company. Speaking at today, Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced that Apple is dropping the word “Computer” from its name to become “Apple Inc.” “The Mac, iPod,. Only one of those is a computer. So we’re changing the name,” said Jobs. Formerly Apple Computer, the name change reflects the company’s newfound emphasis on consumer electronics. Jobs revealed the change following announcements on the new Apple TV and iPhone, with no new Mac configurations announced whatsoever. This story, 'Apple drops 'Computer' from name' was originally published.